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Beipo Chengwei Fanpai Zhuixu CHAPTER LIST
  • Beipo Chengwei Fanpai Zhuixu

    Alternative : Bèipò Chéngwéi Fǎnpài Zhuìxù ; Forced to Become the Villain's Son-In-Law ; I Become a Villain in My Novel ; ¡Me forzaron a convertirme en el villano de mi novela! ; 小説の結末を変えないと俺は死ぬ ; 被迫成为反派赘婿 ; 내 소설의 악역이 되다
  • Author(s) : Yoousi
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Dec 12, 18:00
  • TransGroup :
  • view : 8.400.000
  • Genre : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Shounen
  • 4.3

Beipo Chengwei Fanpai Zhuixu:

I was judged by Lord Yama in hell because I gave a hasty bad ending to my novel he loves and stopped updating it. As a result, I was sent to the world of my novel as a villain and the matrilocal husband of the infanta. However, the life of going against the original protagonist and encountering girls is actually not that bad..
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