Manga Hot

  • Carsearin

  • Author(s) : Yoo Jungguan
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Nov 18, 20:00
  • TransGroup :
  • view : 4.800.000
  • Genre : Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
  • 4.5


The first runaway dragon, Arin’s adventure in the human world!!! In the Larteard Mountains, a huge mountainous region occupying the center of the continent, lived the Red Dragon Clan, the dirtiest of dragons… A 300-year old child (?), who yearned for the adventure of the human warrior, turned into a human being using the only form-conversion magic, “Polymorph,” to secretly run away from home. Instead of being a warrior, Arin is chased by orcs, sold as a slave, and became a princess. Here she begins a tough adventure with a human body!
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