How To Treat Magical Beasts: Mine And Master's Medical Journal
Alternative : わたしと先生の幻獣診療録 ; Записки врачевателя мистических существ ; Watashi to Sensei no Genjuu Shinryouroku ; A Mage's Medical Guide to Mythical Beasts - Author(s) : Kaziya
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:22
- view : 342.400
- Genre : Drama, Fantasy, Seinen, Shounen, Slice of life, Supernatural
How To Treat Magical Beasts: Mine And Master's Medical Journal:
It is a time when humans have begun to forget magic, since science has risen up to take its place. Mythical beasts are beginning to disappear from the world. A young girl named Ziska, born into a line of mages, becomes the apprentice to a veterinarian for magical creatures. With the two of them working together, they hope to save these beasts of legend from a world that’s leaving them behind.
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