I Know What You Think
Alternative : I Reverse Life by MaliciousnessWǒ Kào Èyì Nìzhuǎn Rénshēng我靠恶意逆转人生 - Author(s) : Dao Bu Li 叨卟狸
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 796.800
- Genre : Romance, School life, Manhua
I Know What You Think:
Xu Yan, who was bullied to death, is reborn as Shen Xing, a college student. She discovers that she can see the malice in others and is determined to use this to find the murderer to reverse the future!Notes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law.mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you're publishing our content on your website/app, it's mean that you're infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stolen our works or else we will take legal action against you.
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