Invisible - Osynlig
Alternative : Invisible - Author(s) : Ali Toglukdemir
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:22
- view : 75.200
- Genre : Horror, Mature, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen, Supernatural, Tragedy
Invisible - Osynlig:
The story starts with unknown death cases in the parallel universe in Scandinavian countries focused in Urvland. Urvland as a Scandinavian country, has the highest ratio of self-killing. But who knows the mystery of these death cases? What is the reason behind? Creatures whom call themselves as Afreet begin to reveal themseşves. Main character Oleg Fjerdssan and his kitten found at street are about to go into a deep tragedy and we will see How they are going to be affected by this calamity.
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