Maou Dante: Kamima Taisenhen
Alternative : 魔王ダンテ (2002); 魔王ダンテ 神略編・現魔編・魔道編・神魔大戦編; 新魔王ダンテ (Japanese); Demon Lord Dante (English); Mao Dante (2002); Mao Dante - Kami Ryaku Hen, Genma Hen, Mado Hen, Kamima Taisen Hen; Maou Dante; Neo Mao Dante; New Demon Lord Dante - Author(s) : Nagai Go
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 370.900
- Genre : Action, Drama, Horror, Mature, Seinen
Maou Dante: Kamima Taisenhen:
This series is a complete remake of the original Mao Dante, with new designs an a story slightly inspired by the anime of 2002. This time, the timespan of the story i longer, the character design is different, and all unanswered questions left when the original series was interrupted, are answered. This time, Mao Dante has a proper ending. The story is divided in four parts: Kami Ryaku Hen, Gen Ma Hen, Mado Hen, and Kami Ma Taisen Hen.
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