Shinigami No Hanayome
Alternative : 死神の花嫁 ; 死神の花嫁~余命7日からの幸福~ ; 死神の花嫁―余命7日からの幸福― ; Shinigami no Hanayome: Yomei 7-nichi kara no Koufuku ; The Bride of the Death God: Evanescing Happiness - Author(s) : Ichiiro Hako
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 94.600
- Genre : Drama, Romance, Shounen, Slice of life, Supernatural
Shinigami No Hanayome:
The reaper loves seeing the cries of humans before swinging down his scythe to reap their souls. He lives for the hunt of humans souls before their passing. Yet one night, he encounters a dying girl with flowers blooming in her room looking back at him with a smile.
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