Takagami-Sama To Aware Na Ikenie
Alternative : Hawk God & Miserable Sacrifice ; 鷹神様と憐れな生贄 - Author(s) : Tanno Chikuwabu
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 10.000
- Genre : Romance, Supernatural, Pornographic
Takagami-Sama To Aware Na Ikenie:
In order to save the village from famine, Kasane, who is lame in one leg, leaves his little sister behind and becomes a sacrifice.Arriving in the afterlife, he tries to negotiate with the Land God Murakumo to make it rain. However, not only does Murakumo refuse to grant his wish, but he also rapes Kasane.“If you don’t like this, hurry up and disappear somewhere. I beg you…”After painfully pleading this while hurting him, Kasane starts to want to know Murakumo's real feelings.The sweet, painful and heartrending love of salvation for two scarred and lonely people.
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