The Return of Princess Amy
Alternative : Her Royal Highness the Princess Returns to Full Level / Princess Amy's Magic / Ai Mi Gong Zhu De Mo Fa / Ài Mǐ Gōng Zhǔ De Mó Fǎ / 艾米公主的魔法 - Author(s) :
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Sep 22, 13:00
- view : 3.257.000
- Genre : Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Magic, Manhua, Romance, Royal family, School Life, Time travel
The Return of Princess Amy:
Read manhua The Return of Princess Amy / Her Royal Highness the Princess Returns to Full Level / Princess Amy’s Magic / Ai Mi Gong Zhu De Mo Fa / Ài Mǐ Gōng Zhǔ De Mó Fǎ / 艾米公主的魔法 A prophecy declared that a child would lead the empire back to glory. That same year, Amy and her half-sister, Aurora, were born. Both girls competed for the title and when it seemed like Amy was going to win, Aurora convinced everyone that Amy was an evil witch and she had her burnt at the stake. But Amy didn’t die. She traveled back in time to her childhood and with the help of her best friend, Atlas, realized that she still had some of her magic. Amy will do anything to get her powers back, but will it be enough to claim her destiny?
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