The Weight Of Betrayal
- Author(s) : Cheok Kong
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Aug 07, 12:23
- view : 149.900
- Genre : Action, Drama, Psychological, Shounen
The Weight Of Betrayal:
Gong Seok-hyun is the boss of the Baekho Organization. Cha Moo-young was its executive and has been loyal to the group since childhood. He was also Seok-hyun's lover. But suddenly Moo-young betrays the group and moves to the Viper Faction.Seok-hyun thinks of finding him and killing him. But then changes his mind as he can't give up on his beloved Moo-young, so he secretly meets with him.As he deepens his relationship with him, he tries to find out the truth behind Moo-young's mysterious actions.
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